Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa

Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa

In 2006, we helped the Partnership to transition from a loose coalition of development experts to a strong advocacy organization with an inspiring agenda and effective staff-led programs. Thanks to a compelling vision and realistic operational plans, the Partnership was able to attract the funds needed to implement the transition and, by 2009, had accomplished the goals laid out in its first strategic plan.

San Francisco Theological Seminary

San Francisco Theological Seminary

We worked with this Presbyterian seminary over two years, first to implement an inclusive strategy formation process that engaged all members of the SFTS community, and then to assist the School’s  management team in implementation. We also designed a dashboard to help the President and Dean track progress against strategic goals and targets.

Open Government Partnership

Open Government Partnership

This international multi-stakeholder initiative hired CNPS to recommend an organizational structure and funding plan to support its rapidly growing organization and ambitious goals. We also advised the organization on operational and staffing issues, and helped to develop a business plan for the next three years.



CNPS developed a new marketing plan for Oxfam’s flagship educational and outreach program: Fast for World Harvest.

American Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Association

In 2006, the American Diabetes Association hired CNPS to help determine how (and how much) the organization should address the growing issue of obesity. Our charge was to objectively lay out viable structures and strategies for venturing into this new area and provide the Board with the information needed to decide amongst these options.